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                <span class="card-header__label-text">Private</span>
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													<span class="btn__text">Edit Service</span>
                        <li class="button-group__item">
                            <button class="btn btn-simple btn-full-width " type="button">
											<span class="btn__inner">
													<span class="btn__text">Hide Service</span>
                        <li class="button-group__item">
                            <button class="btn btn-simple btn-full-width " type="button">
											<span class="btn__inner">
													<span class="btn__text">Move to Category</span>
    <div class="card__body">
        <div class="card__body-inner">Unapologetic travel nerd. Professional entrepreneur. Explorer. Bacon buff. Proud communicator. Introvert. Avid writer.</div>
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    "actions": [
        "text": "Edit Service",
        "className": "btn-simple btn-full-width"
        "text": "Hide Service",
        "className": "btn-simple btn-full-width"
        "text": "Move to Category",
        "className": "btn-simple btn-full-width"


Cards bundle together content, and related links and actions.


  • Every card should solve a problem for the user
  • Cards should communicate their own level of priority
  • Card states must be persistent
  • Cards should be concise and relevant to the user
  • Important actions should be represented as buttons in the card footer
  • Less important actions may be included in the header; a single Simple Button may be used, or a Context Menu if there are many actions